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Version: 6.10.0
Release: 2022-02-09
Category: Text - Spell Checkers
Size: 908Kb
Not stealth:
Publisher: QuestSoft
Translator. Select the text you want to translate and then press the hot key (Ctrl+Q to show translation in the popup window or Double Ctrl click to show the translation in the main window). The program also has the ability to speak text Ctrl+E and perform a dictionary search Win+Q. Also, you can open the main window and type text manually. Translate text in any application that supports text selection (Google Chrome, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook, Acrobat Reader, Skype, IE and etc.) Also features Spell checking and a virtual keyboard.
The program translates text by using online translation services, so you need an Internet connection.
Freeware. License info in License.rtf